GPC Liquid


GPC Liquid is a good choice when higher amounts of GPC are desired, and the dropper is calibrated to allow for easy titration. GPC Liquid has a naturally delicious, sweet taste on its own so no additional sweeteners were added to this product.

Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 2 mL (approx. 2 droppers full) per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner.

Supports Brain Function – 59ml

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GPC (glycerophosphocholine) is a supportive nutrient for the brain, kidneys, muscles, testes and other organs, and is a building block for cell membrane phospholipids. Without the presence of this nutrient in the brain, we could not think, sleep or remember.

The maintenance dosage of GPC is 300-600 mg per day, with a higher therapeutic dosage in the range of 600-1200 mg per day. The typical oral dose of GPC used in most trials is 1200 mg per day in divided doses, in order to maintain high blood levels throughout 24 hours.

GPC Liquid is a good choice when higher doses of GPC are desired and the dropper is calibrated to allow for easy titration. GPC has a naturally delicious, sweet taste so no additional sweeteners were added to this product.

GPC may be helpful for:


  • Brain recovery from stroke or brain injury
  • Cognitive deficit from anesthesia following surgery (up to 50% of bypass patients experience brain damage following bypass surgery)
  • Impairment in cognition and social behavior due to Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia
  • Memory/mental focus in elderly and young
  • Growth hormone production (take 60-90 minutes before workout)
  • Age-related changes in brain function
  • Moodiness
  • Helps to reset body clock. Especially for shift workers or people with jet lag


Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × 12 cm