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Shredded and Science

A Scientific Approach to Your Health and results

At Shredded we use a specialised software for body composition analysis, once known as Bio Signature, Bio Print and Metabolic Analytics - known to most as Skinfolds. This software was developed, designed and refined by world renowned Strength Coach, Charles Poliquin himself. 

Having studied anthropometry as part of Exercise Science and completing countless courses with Charles Poliquin, Kelly is one of the very few in Australia who has done over ten thousand measurements in her career. You can rest assured she is extremely accurate with her measurements.

Skinfolds measurements

This method has been applied to elite level athletes to improve their performance and body composition, physique competitors who want to achieve a much leaner physique and also everyday clients who have a fitness or health goal they want to achieve.

In addition to a comprehensive report on your results, we also provide you with calorie recommendations dependent on your goals and macronutrient allocation.

Charles Poliquin & Kelly
Charles Poliquin & Kelly

What to expect

When analysing your results based on the measurements from your skinfolds a specific nutrition and supplementation protocol can be applied. Skinfold testing identifies hormonal and metabolic deficiencies based on your body fat distribution over 14 different sites.

The following 14 sites are tested during this process:

Chin, Cheek, Pec, Biceps, Triceps, Sub-scapular, Upper back, Australian, Lower back, Midaxillary, Suprailiac, Hips, Umbilical, Abdominal, Knee, Calves, Quads/Thigh, Hamstrings.

What should I wear to a skinfolds appointment?

To ensure an accurate assessment, appropriate clothing is required. We need access to your skin for precise results, so please wear loose fitting clothes and shorts. For females, a sports bra is recommended.

Charles Poliquin & Kelly
Charles Poliquin & Kelly

Once we have completed your measurements on all 14 sites, we then analyse the following 5 areas:

How well the body tolerates carbohydrates and how efficient glucose is cleared from the blood stream.

Gut Function
How well your body digests and absorbs nutrients from the food you consume.

Stress, recovery, adrenals
How your body deals with stress, sleep, energy levels, and adrenal function.

How well your body clears environmental toxins and foreign estrogens.

How well your body uses testosterone.

Body Composition scan

The Evolt 360 body composition scanner, what we call the intelligent body scanner, is a simple-to-use 60-second scan that provides detailed data about a body through more than 40 measurements. It works simply by passing a safe electrical current through the feet and hands.

Used in unison with the Evolt 360 Active app it provides you with measurements of body composition, including lean body mass, body fat mass & percentage, skeletal muscle mass, visceral fat level, fitness age, fitness score plus much more.

Shredded Classes

Group Training

Bookings app

Shredded App

For the quickest and easiest way to book into appointments, classes, body scans, manage your passes, membership and MORE!

Download the Shredded app!

Life is too short to be basic, and the world needs more individuals who dare to be anything but!

This video features @d.inco , a huge standout in our Shredded Community who is anything but “basic”.

Four incredible years with us at Shredded, and she is still going strong! 💪🏽 

Just this year alone, she has completed over 40 
BEAST CLASSES! Not to mention the Endurance classes with @coach.ray.shreddedhp and training sessions to add! 

Anyone who has partnered up with her in a group class can attest to how she encourages, supports, celebrates, and challenges everyone around her. 

This sense of camaraderie and empowerment is what Shredded is all about.

Dani embodies the spirit of staying active, strong, and maintaining good nutrition, enriching her well-being each and every day. 

Her positive attitude and relentless effort over the past four years deserve more than just recognition—they deserve a standing ovation. 👏So, hit that like button!! 👊🏽

Dani, your daily inspiration fuels our community, and we are grateful to have you as a part of Shredded. 

Thank you for being extraordinary and a beacon of strength and motivation! ♥️

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by the stresses of work or running your business? 

Perhaps it’s the constant battle of trying to strike a balance between the demands of your work and the needs of your family life. 

As you strive for better health and fitness, it can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle. 

Yet, amidst the chaos, there’s a powerful truth that resonates: you need people who understand and share your journey. 

Let us tell you a story about Tom, he had always aspired for better health, not just for himself but also for the benefit of his kids, who looked up to him as their role model. 

One day, while feeling particularly weighed down by work, Tom stumbled upon a local gym called Shredded. 

Intrigued, he decided to join, hopeful that he could meet others facing similar challenges.

To his surprise, the moment Tom entered the gym, he felt a wave of support wash over him. The environment was full of people who shared his goals. 

They greeted him with warm smiles and encouraging words, each individual contributing to a sense of belonging. 

As he began his fitness journey, he quickly formed bonds with fellow members and coaches who motivated him through workouts, even on the days where he felt sluggish and unmotivated. 

Whenever he struggled, there was always someone ready to lift him up, sharing tips and personal experiences that made the path towards  health feel less daunting.

He learned the importance of being surrounded by like-minded individuals when striving for a better, healthier life. 

Week by week, he grew stronger, both physically and mentally, which in turn enabled him to perform better in his business and be more present for his kids. 

Tom’s journey went from a solitary struggle into a collective effort...

Proving that when you have people like you around you, achieving your health goals becomes not just possible, but immensely rewarding.

Are you looking for a community that supports and shares your journey towards better health and fitness? 

Do you want to live life to the fullest, surrounded by people who understand your challenges and aspirations?

Come and experience the Shredded difference – We’ve got you!
Injuries might bench you, but they don’t have to keep you down!👇

When you’re injured, it can be hard to stay motivated, and even harder to know what to do. 

Take Angus, for instance. 👀

He broke his hand while playing footy and found himself sidelined for six weeks. 🫠

But we had a game plan! 😏

We kept training other parts of his body to maintain his motivation. 

For his legs, we swapped dumbbells for a weight vest, and for his abs, hamstrings, and shoulders, we used wrist wraps instead of handles. 

We even threw in some neck training, as believe it or not, a strong neck can enhance the kinetic chain, promote better posture and reduce the risk of injuries like concussions. 🤕 

🤓 In fact, a study in the “Journal of Orthopeadic & Sports Physical Therapy” found that athletes with stronger neck muscles experience fewer concussions. 

And let’s face it, a well-conditioned neck isn’t just for selfies; 🤭 

It supports overall strength and balance by effectively linking the head and torso.

So, what’s a “setback” to us?

It’s a setup for an even better comeback. 😎 

We’re here to help you be your best, no matter where you’re starting from. We got you!! 👊🏽 

@kellyshreddedhp xx 

Hari Hachi Bu! Ever heard of it? 😏 

This Okinawa secret is all about eating until you’re about 80% full—a total game-changer for losing fat and enhancing overall health. 

Curious how it works? 👀

By stopping at 80% full, you’re immediately cutting down on calories. 

This sneaky little trick helps create a calorie deficit, the key for fat loss, and you won’t feel like you’re missing out. 

It’s like portion control’s cooler, wiser brother! 😎

Plus, it keeps your metabolism steady and avoids that dreaded post-meal slump. 

Want to get started with Hari Hachi Bu?

Start by slowing down your eating pace. 

Tune into your body and hit the brakes when you’re about 80% full. 

It’s all about mindfulness and making smarter choices—simple yet genius!

We can all give this a try. 🙌

Let’s embrace Hari Hachi Bu and make fat loss a more manageable and sustainable journey. 

Your future self will thank you! 😉

@kellyshreddedhp xx
Ever had those moments where everything's going great, and then life throws you a curveball? 🙃

We've all been there—cruising along one minute, scrambling the next. 🤯

We get it, staying healthy and crushing your fitness goals can feel like running a marathon... uphill... in a snowstorm.

But let me tell you, perseverance and consistency can lead to incredible transformations. 

Which is why, we are excited to share a story that truly embodies this mindset.

Rob, one of our members, had a challenging year filled with ups and downs. He fell into some difficult habits and found it hard to keep up with his fitness routine. 😓

Despite facing numerous setbacks, he reached out to the team for help and committed himself to showing up and making small changes every day.

And guess what? 😏

He achieved a staggering 15.9% decrease in his body fat percentage, going from 27.5% to an incredible 11.6%. 

This just goes on to show how powerful your mindset is and the support around you can be in achieving your goals. 

Rob’s story is just one of many at Shredded. 

You’re not alone.

Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel (Link in the comments) and give Rob a cheer by hitting like, for his incredible transformation. 👊

Share his story with a friend or family member and hopefully together, we can inspire another transformation, maybe even your own! 

You got this, We got YOU! 😉 #TeamShredded
Guys, remember those Saturday mornings? Football with the boys used to be our thing. 🏈 ⚽️ 

We weren’t chasing a pro contract, but damn, did we have fun. 👊🏽

And those early mornings catching waves, feeling unstoppable at 5 am? 

Life was different then. . . 

And somewhere along the way, life got in the way—or so I thought.

Turning 30, career peaking, new house, the gym became optional. 

Kids came, nights shortened. 

5 am alarms turned into snooze battles, blaming backaches on lack of sleep. 💤 

Now approaching 40, the gym feels like a distant memory. 

Football? Running for hours? 

Seems like a joke. 🙃

Your body hurts, but they say it comes with aging. 

I refused to play along forever. 🙅‍♂️

Now at 45, I know the joy of hiking again, feeling younger than ever with those 5 am starts.

Sound familiar? 

This is one of many stories at Shredded. 
You’re not alone. 

Every day, men in Scarborough, Tuart Hill and around our local area, like us, challenge their reality and reclaim their health at our gym. 

Join a community that understands. 

Aging doesn’t have to be a struggle. 

It’s your decision, but we can help.

Take the first step and tell us your story - We can start today. 💬
You’ve all seen the headlines, right? 🤔

⚠️ Flatten Your Tummy in 5 Minutes a Day.
⚠️ Sculpt Your Butt While Sitting Still.
⚠️ Drink lemon water to help you lose weight.

Let’s be honest—they’re about as realistic as a unicorn on a treadmill.

Ever wondered why those quick fixes never seem to work? 

These gimmicky headlines are designed to get clicks and drive ad sales, not to improve your health and fitness. 

At Shredded, we believe in a positive, no-nonsense approach to fitness. 😎

No shortcuts, just effective training techniques that work. 👊🏽

Real transformation comes from consistent effort and balanced workouts. 👌

And the best part? 👀

Once our clients see how our practical approach works, they realise how misleading mainstream health and fitness media can be! 

Take it from Andy, who just hit a training milestone of one year at Shredded and only 11 WEEKS into his journey he said; 

💬 “I’m stronger and healthier than I’ve been, and the craziest part is that it’s only been 11 weeks!”

And now, ONE YEAR LATER...

💬 “From injured back and shoulders that I tried consistently to fix with other trainers’ advice over a 6-year period… and now the fittest I’ve been in years and completely injury free.” @nostawydna

So, remember, true fitness is a journey, not a quick fix. 

Ditch the fairy tales and join us for a positive, results-driven experience. 

See you at the gym! 💪
💭 Imagine a place where the sound of lifting weights is a symphony of progress! 

Where your journey is about so much more than physical strength; 

It’s about transforming your mindset, your life, and building awesome connections with people on the same path. 

Step into Shredded, and you’ll instantly feel the energy of a community united by a common goal: to get better every day, not just in the gym, but in life. 💥

Then, with the support of like-minded people cheering you on and our coaches guiding you through every step. 

This community will become your strength. 💪🏽

We’ll help you navigate challenges, celebrate wins, and you’ll become the best version of yourself. 

Every week, we welcome new members into our community, each person bringing fresh inspiration and commitment to their health and well-being. 

We hope to welcome you one day too… 

Especially if you’ve been looking for a place just like this! - We got YOU 👊🏽 #TeamShredded
This may just be exactly what you need to hear today … 

Just as in the gym, where every rep counts and each move needs precision - 

So does every aspect of our lives require a conscious mental effort. 💪🏽

Your mind controls the RESULT! 

Whether you’re an athlete or simply navigating everyday life, your mindset matters!!

Life will always throw curveballs, but remember, when you’re at the “gym of life”, it’s time to push baby! 😏

- Through distractions and put in the work.👊🏽

Fatigue, bad days - they’re all part of the game. 

You can’t let them sway your focus. 

Every moment is precious; use it wisely. 

The key here is control. 

We can’t always control life’s outcomes, but we can control our minds. 

It’s our most powerful tool. 💥

With the right mindset, we can make each day count, reaping maximum benefits from every thing accomplished.

If you find yourself faltering, start with your mind. 

Evaluate your mental state, your focus. 

Are you all in? 

Are you truly committed or just going with the flow? 

Remember, just like in the gym, intent and precision are everything. 

Master your mind, and you master the machine. 

Not only in fitness but in life, professional goals, personal aspirations - 

Your mind controls the result! #TeamShredded

#MindsetMatters #MasterYourMind 🧠💪🏽✨
Discover why this simple habit could transform your health...

Top Science Facts: How a Short Walk After Eating Improves Glucose Sensitivity.👇

🧬 Enhances Insulin Efficiency: Studies show that a brief walk after a meal helps your muscles use glucose more efficiently, reducing blood sugar levels. 

🧬 Improved Digestion: Walking aids digestion by stimulating the peristaltic movement in the gastrointestinal tract, making food move along more smoothly.

🧬 Lowers Blood Sugar Spikes: Research indicates that post-meal walks are effective in lowering glucose spikes that typically occur after eating, which is especially beneficial for individuals with insulin resistance or diabetes.

🧬 Reduces Future Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Regularly walking after meals can contribute to better long-term control of blood sugar, thereby lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

🧬 Enhanced Metabolic Health: A just-found 15-minute stroll can make a difference in improving overall metabolic health, promoting better energy use and storage in the body.

What Do Studies Show? 🤔

👩🏻‍🔬 Journal of Applied Physiology: Found that people who walked for just 15 minutes after each meal had better 24-hour blood sugar levels than those who walked for 45 minutes once a day.

🧑🏽‍🔬 Diabetes Care: Highlighted that moderate post-meal walking, even as short as 10 minutes, can significantly lower blood sugar levels in older adults, especially those with diabetes or prediabetes.

👨🏼‍🔬 Sports Medicine: Indicated that short postprandial (post-eating) walks lead to greater reductions in blood glucose compared to pre-meal or no exercise at all.

Just goes to show that small, simple changes into our daily routines (like taking a short walk after meals) can have a significant impact on our overall health! 🌿🚶‍♂️✨

Stay healthy, stay strong, and be sure to follow us for more valuable health tips! 

@kellyshreddedhp xx 😘
Your goals, your journey, your success! 

Choosing a gym is more than just finding a place to work out—it’s about investing in your health and well-being. 

Unlike other gyms that offer basic equipment, one-size fits-all classes and generic advice,

At Shredded you will find....

⭐️ Expert guidance, tailored plans, personalised only for you.

⭐️ A welcoming space designed to complement all aspects of your health and well-being.

⭐️ An all-inclusive, supportive community who are all working towards a common goal. 

Creating you the perfect environment to achieve all your health and fitness goals. 

We have redefined, what you have come to expect from a gym. Ensuring you get everything you need for great results—for life! 

Join us for the support you need, the community you want and discover the Shredded Difference.

Trial link in bio 🔗 

You got this, We got you! 👊
“When I first walked into Shredded, I immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not like other gyms I have been in.” @blair_mckay 

Having lost 20kgs at the age of 17, facing years of life-changing medical challenges.

Blair felt weak, lacked stamina, and was unhappy with his body and the way he felt.

Exhausted after work, with little energy for after work activities, his confidence hit an all-time low.

Then everything started to change at Shredded. 

A full lifestyle overhaul helped him drop body fat, build muscle, and significantly increase strength.

The warm, welcoming staff and an initial consultation with Kelly marked the start of his new fitness journey.

Realising his diet needed improvement, Blair adopted a nutritious, consistent eating plan, which enhanced his daily vitality.

“The education I received on nutrition from Kelly proved to be a game-changer for me.” - Blair 

In his first session with Jak, Blair felt nervous.

Jak guided him through the workout and ensured he could confidently execute the program. 

After some time, 

Blair noticed a substantial improvement in his social confidence. 

Exercise became enjoyable and satisfying!

💬 In Blair’s own words;

“There was a time when I struggled to stay motivated, tracking my food became difficult, and I began to lose my way. 

That’s when I was paired with Remy.

In my search for motivation, she gave me some tough love, and the necessary push to get back on track. 

When I’m not training with her and need to push myself harder, I imagine her saying - 

‘Your mind will tell you to stop, but your body is capable of it.’ 

This is one sentence I keep with me through every workout.” - Blair. 

Blair’s next goal is continuing to build strength! 

Especially after the April 2024 Strength Day, where he hit personal bests in all his lifts:

Squat 90kg, Deadlift 110kg,  Bench 65kg. 

From starting at Shredded not knowing how to perform these lifts, he now smashes his training with confidence and aims to take a spot on the strength board!

Blair said; “Shredded has been life-changing”.

We are so proud of you Blair and all you have achieved. Keep going and stay strong!

You got this, We got YOU! 👊🏽