OmegAvail™ Ultra + Vit D & Vit K

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Omega 3 with Vitamin D3, K1 and K2

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Product Information

OmegAvail™ Ultra is a highly potent omega‑3 fish oil delivering an impressive 600 mg EPA and 400 mg DHA per serving. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are two essential omega‑3 fatty acids that the body requires for various functions; primarily for supporting heart health by promoting normal cholesterol metabolism and blood pressure, as well as cognitive function and memory due to their crucial roles in brain development and nervous system health.*

To maintain optimal health, our bodies require a healthy ratio of omega‑3 and omega‑6 fats; however, the standard American diet is disproportionately high in omega‑6s, and low in omega‑3s. Fatty fish like anchovies, sardines, sockeye salmon, and mackerel are the best sources of omega‑3 fats. Since most people do not consume these types of fish regularly, supplementation is essential to maintain a healthy fatty acid balance.

This product contains 600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 400 of mg docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), along with vitamins D3, K1, and K2 to help support cardiovascular, bone, and immune health.*

Benefits of Omega‑3s:

• Supports heart health*
• Supports memory, cognition, and overall brain health*
• Promotes a healthy response to inflammation*
• May enhance mood and emotional well‑being*
• Promotes cell integrity*

Exceptional Quality and Purity:

• Sustainable Sourcing: Sourced from sustainable wild‑caught anchovy, sardine, and mackerel fish from Peru and Chile. • Multi‑form BioGlycerides™: Uniquely combines three different forms of fish oils for improved bioavailability and distribution to tissues.
• Purity Assurance: The fish oil in OmegAvail™ Ultra undergoes molecular distillation and filtration, ensuring it’s pure and free from metals, pesticides, PCBs, and other contaminants.
• Digestibility Support: The addition of lipase makes it easier for your body to digest and absorb the fish oils and to help avoid a fishy aftertaste.
• Stability Boost: DeltaGold® tocotrienols are included to enhance stability and maintain quality over time.

Recommended Use Take 2 softgels per day with meals or as directed by your health‑care practitioner. Warning: Consult your health‑care practitioner before use if you are taking blood thinner medication or are planning to have surgery.

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