Raymond Espinos

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Raymond Espinos

Coach - Level 2B

Ray comes from a sporting background, having always been involved in competitive sport from a young age. His sporting background is made up of track and field events; specifically running, boxing, and weight training. More recently his passion and training has been focused around CrossFit. Competing in CrossFit competitions, either local WA based competitions or larger online qualifiers.

Health, fitness and living an active lifestyle has always been at the forefront of his personal and professional life. Ray has a desire for improving performance of clients both mentally and physically. With a massive passion for teaching and always willing to pass on thorough knowledge, he strives to continually better himself to better others.

Ray’s approach to exercise is holistic in the sense that he takes the best aspects of Gymnastics, Weight Training, Olympic lifting and Calisthenics delivering results-based programs to his clients. He has a keen eye for technique, always keeping his clients safe and working towards a healthier, stronger version of their current self.


  • Certificate III and IV in Fitness
  • Master Trainer Certified
  • Fitness Australia Registered Level 2 Coach
  • CrossFit Level 1
  • Australian Weightlifting Federation; Sports Power Coach
  • HKC Kettlebell Instructor
  • Thump Boxing and Kickboxing Instructor
  • Cycle Excel Instructor
  • Pelvic Floor Instructor
  • First Aid & CPR

Favourite quote

“Service to others is the rent we pay for our room here on Earth”