Chris Creek

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Chris Creek

Coach - Level 5B

Chris comes from a rugby background having played First grade & representative Rugby in New Zealand. Chris was also selected to attend the International Rugby Academy in 2008. Since retiring from rugby, he has focused his attention to becoming a highly successful coach in the health & fitness industry. Chris also has experience in natural bodybuilding having competed himself in Men’s Physique in 2016.

Chris says, “I am driven to help my clients achieve the best results as quickly as possible by giving you that million-dollar workout that leaves you feeling 10x better than when you walked in.”


  • Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science, Degree (UCOL, NZ, 2012)
  • Strength Sensei Advanced Programming with Charles. R. Poliquin
  • Strength Sensei Program Design
  • Christian Maurice Transformation 3 Day Seminar
  • The Science of Body Re – Composition 2 Day Seminar, Menno Heinselmans
  • Clean Health: Nutrition Pro Certification
  • Australian Strength Coach (Sebastian Oreb) Strength Seminar
  • Luke McNally Advanced Hypertrophy & Fat loss Seminar
  • Dry Needling (Acupuncture) Certified
  • Clean Health & Lauren Simpson: Training the female fitness competitor Seminar
  • Josh Bryant 2 Day Seminar
  • Tom Hibbert (Winning Strength) Training for strongman periodization consultations

Favourite quote

“You can have results or excuses, not both” – Arnold Schwarzenegger.